Chapter 2: Our New Home

Map of Texas Panhandle Towns

When I was ten years old my father bought a hundred and sixty acre farm with good rich soil in the Texas panhandle.  It was located eight miles north of Lockney, which is between Plainview and Floydada.  Part of the land had already been cultivated and there was a five-room house on the place.

In August of 1912 we moved to our new home.  Papa went ahead of Mama and us children.  He went on a freight train with our household furniture, stock and farming implements.  The rest of our family spent the last night before our trip with my oldest sister, Jessie.

I admired Jessie.  I was showing off for her, imitating a friend by tossing my head about, when I jerked a crick into my neck and was in pain from that sore neck for a full week.

This trip with Mama on the train was a great adventure for us.  We had not a care in the world — except for my painful neck.  I'll never forget the good food on the train, especially the French bread.  Daisy and I wore knee length dresses of natural linen, trimmed in red.  They were made in Buster Brown style with long waistlines and big collars.  The dresses had been bought just a short time before we moved.  Papa and Mama had gone on the train to Dallas to shop with a merchant we knew in Oglesby and come home with a large trunk filled with appropriate clothing for our trip.

Lockney, Floyd County, Texas, circa 1905
Lockney, Floyd County, Texas, circa 1905
Our first night in Lockney was spent in the home of the realtor with whom Papa had dealt.  The next day Papa took us out to the farm where we were to live.

The tenant farmer, Mr. Thompson, and his family were still living in the house.  It was early in the evening when we arrived.  Mrs. Thompson and the children had gone to attend a community party.  We began to explore and it was not long before we discovered a tub of cow chips by the kitchen stove.  They were being used for fuel.  The house was clean but we did not like the odor of those cow chips; we thought it was terrible.  Ugh, cow chips in the house!  Imagination got the best of Daisy, Rosa and me and we had to rush out of doors; it seemed that the only place we could breathe was outside.

1909 greeting card
1909 greeting card
But we soon had to return.  The realtor's wife had prepared a basket supper for us and Mr. Thompson invited us to spread it on the dining table to be served.  My mother graciously accepted his invitation and informed us three sisters to march into the house and get “those looks” off our faces if we wanted any supper.

Although it was not an unusual practice in that day, our family never used cow chips in the kitchen.  Papa did teach us to live within our means, however, and that is exactly what those people were doing.

While waiting for the first three rooms of our new house to be complete enough to move into, we lived in a large tent that Papa had purchased for the purpose.  Living outside was a great adventure for us children; we got a glimpse of what real pioneer living was like.  We also enjoyed our new playmates, the Thompson children.  Since Mama cooked three full meals each day, we felt free to eat the leftovers during our afternoon tea parties with our new friends.  But one day we got into Mrs. Thompson's cornbread that had been intended for her evening meal.  She had to use those cow chips to start a fire and cook more cornbread.  We learned another lesson that day!

Our house had seven rooms when it was finished.  It was a single floor with a porch surrounding the west and south sides.  The house was painted white with green window frames to match a green roof.

A tall windmill pumped all the good, clear water we could use.  The well was deep and cool water was pumped into a barrel for family use.  A pipe led from the barrel to a milk trough where water was carried through the lid of a box-like container and out the other end of the trough through a pipe to a tank where the stock drank.  In this box, between the family drinking barrel and a dirt stock tank, our milk was kept cool and our butter firm.

My father could not digest fresh milk but he could drink the buttermilk left after the butter was churned.  We children all acquired a taste for good buttermilk.  It is a favorite drink of mine today.

Our favorite place to play was under the two big cottonwood trees growing on the bank of that large dirt stock tank.  We dressed up sticks and, while playing church, we baptized the sticks in the tank.  I was just the right age to watch my little brother, Doyle, for Mama, but sometimes it was hard to keep up with him. He could be out of sight in a minute — and the first place everybody looked was in the tank.

I saw Mama come out of the house one day headed toward the milk box.  She stopped in her tracks, a look of pure panic on her face.  I followed her gaze to the top of our windmill where my eight-year-old brother Barney and a friend stood on the platform at the very top.  They were not the problem.  On the ladder, nearing the top and climbing steadily, was four-year-old Doyle.  Mamma calmly called to him, “Honey, stay right where you are.  I’m coming up there.  Wait for me.” She climbed the windmill in her skirts and brought him down.

Hooten Family in 1917
Hooten Family in 1917
The Lone Star community was our nearest settlement.  It had a two-room schoolhouse and a church building.  This was the center of our training and entertainment.

Baptist and Methodist congregations shared the only church building.  Each denomination alternated using the building for Sunday school and church services twice a month plus other special programs such as the religious revivals held by the churches.

The schoolhouse was used to teach all students from grade one through high school.  These two buildings were also used for Christmas celebrations, singing schools, 4-H club meetings, Girl Scout meetings, box suppers or any other activity in need of a place to meet.

During the first two years in the Lone Star community, Berry drove us to school in a buggy.  The distance was three miles and the weather was severely cold part of the time.  I remember having frozen heels.  Later we became friends with the young school principal and his family.  Then he drove by our house and took us to school in his Model T Ford.

The principal’s wife depended on Mama’s advice a great deal.  I remember her phone call to Mama:  “I have cooked some turnips and greens with a worm in them.  Will it make us sick if we eat them?”

Bad weather prevented us from attending school at times.  I cherished those days because the whole family made candy, popped corn and played games together.  We played many games with dominoes — but card games were not permitted in our home.  It was thought that card games might induce gambling.  Card playing and dancing caused a few schoolteachers to lose their jobs.

I only remember one time that my parents ever spoke out against a teacher, and it had nothing to do with card playing.  This particular man, Mr. Lindley, was considered uncouth and unkind by both parents and students.  For punishment he kept the older students after school.  This made it necessary for them to walk home late in the evening.  It was almost dark a few times when they got home.  My father and the other parents did not approve of that one bit.  The teacher also made a practice of leaving the community on Friday after school and was often late returning on Monday morning.  One Monday morning while the students awaited the arrival of their teacher, one of the older girls wrote the following in the dust on the jacket of the big stove:

The devil goes from north to south
Carrying Lindley in his mouth:
When he found him such a fool,
He dropped him here to teach our school.

It was against the rules to smoke at school.  My brother, Berry, and two other boys found some cigarettes and smoked them while taking their horses to water.  The teacher smelled the smoke and decided to give them licks with his green tree limb.  As a little girl, I was too frightened to even look, but some of the students counted the licks.  They said Berry got sixty-two.  The school board had made a decision to fire Mr. Lindley on his next late arrival.  Mr. Lindley was gone from our school within two weeks of the time my brother was whipped.

In addition to our three R’s my parents gave us excellent training in music.  Mama played the organ and sang.  She was also a good dancer but she stopped dancing when she joined the Baptist church.  The church considered dancing sinful, and Mama remained faithful to church rules, so we children were not permitted to dance either.

History of the Baptist Denomination in Georgia
My parents were God-fearing people.  At the time my brother, Doyle, accepted Christ and joined the church, my father's health was failing fast.  Papa said, “Now I can go easy because all of my children have been saved.”  Although my father was not very religiously demonstrative, he came from a long line of strict Presbyterians.  And he was not the first of his family to convert to the Baptist denomination.  His uncle Enoch M. Hooten’s biography is included in Samuel Boykin’s History of the Baptist Denomination in Georgia:  The following words are excerpted from that biography:

Against difficulties and obstacles, apparently insurmountable, he battled, until he [Enoch M. Hooten] had acquired what may be denominated a fair education and had become a man of varied and extensive reading.  At the age of seventeen he felt it to be his duty to preach and, in the fall of 1855 he was received as a candidate for the ministry by the Flint River Presbytery at Newnan, Georgia.  At that time he deemed effusion only to be Scriptural baptism, and was surprised to hear the Presbytery then in session decide that it was unnecessary to sprinkle a Baptist lady converted to Presbyterianism, even though she desired it, because in being immersed by a Baptist, she had already received Scriptural baptism.  He reasoned that if the Baptists are wrong and the Presbyterians right, the lady ought to have been sprinkled; but if immersion is Scriptural and valid baptism, as the Presbytery decided, logically, sprinkling is not baptism.  He resolved to investigate the subject of baptism for himself, and this he at once commenced to do.  The conclusion at which he arrived was in accordance with the views of Baptists, and he therefore decided that a man with such convictions should not become a Presbyterian minister, which idea was thenceforth entirely abandoned by him.

Uncle Enoch still had some disagreement with other Baptist teaching and remained a Presbyterian for the next fourteen years until (from the same source):

The War came on, and he joined the ranks of his country’s defenders, and fought unscathed amid storms of shot and shell, until smitten down at the battle of Fredericksburg.  While lying in the hospital at that city, helpless and dangerously wounded, light came to him in answer to prayer, and he was enabled to discern the path of duty.  The true Scriptural relations between faith and baptism, between baptism and church membership, and between church membership and communion were clearly discerned, together with his own personal duty, as a Christian, to preach the everlasting Gospel, and he promised obedience to the Lord, should he ever be permitted to reach home again.  This occurred in 1863.  The Lord brought him back to Georgia, although for many months he was confined to his bed and was entirely helpless, on account of his wound, and even when he was baptized on the seventeenth of September 1865, he was compelled to use crutches.

He was soon ordained a Baptist minister, married, had a dozen children, and served a number of churches in Georgia for many years.

 My Papa also shared Mama's love of music and this love was passed on to us children.  As a family, we sang together.  Many times, after my father became ill, he said, "Children, go play and sing me to sleep."  Rosa played the piano, Barney played the violin, Doyle and Daisy sang soprano and I sang alto.

Rosa and Barney were the two best musicians in our family and can perform on several musical instruments.  Each of them has composed music.  Rosa was particularly interested in church music; Barney headed up a country-western band in Phoenix for years.  All of us children had fun singing together, especially at night.

Papa was not musically talented but occasionally he held a kind of musical instrument, made of metal, between his teeth and played by finger plucking a piece that projected from it.  Though Papa would not sing in a group, he sang funny little songs like “Bill Grogan's Goat:”

A Goat
Bill Grogan's goat was feeling fine,
Ate three red shirts from off the line;
Bill took a stick, gave him a whack,
And tied him to the railroad track.

The whistle blew, the train drew nigh
Bill Grogan's goat was doomed to die
He gave a groan of awful pain
Coughed up the shirts and flagged the train.

Immediately after attending a singing school at the age of thirteen, I was elected to sing alto with a group of twelve adults.  It was quite an honor.  When we won the county banner and the district banner three years in succession, we were given the district banner for keeps. It looked very large and beautiful to me; I remember that it had twelve gold tassels.  We presented it back to the district.  The same group sang the fourth year and won it again.  That was my last year to sing with the group because we moved.

Abilene Newspaper Headline
Austria and Hungary declared war on Serbia July 28, 1914.  World War I was triggered because a member of a Serbian secret society, “The Black Hand,” had shot an archduke and his wife.  For various reasons Germany supported Austria and Hungary while France and Russia pledged support to Serbia.

Sister Jessie 1889-1921
Sister Jessie 1889-1921
When Germany's un-restricted u-boat warfare caused the United States to declare war on Germany April 6, 1917, we knew that Berry would have to go.  The night before he left, Mama gave a party.  We stayed up all night without a wink of sleep.  Early the next morning we all escorted Berry to the station and stayed with him and the other boys until they had to board the train.  It was a sad time for our family but Berry returned home safely after the Armistice was signed on November 11, 1918.  He had never reached the front.

Tragedy found our family in another form.  My older sister, Jessie was heating oil on her stove when it began to flame.  As she removed the pan, some of the oil spilled on her dress and flames ignited her clothing.  Neither her face nor her hair was burned but she was dead within seven hours from damage to her lungs.  She was still very young and left two young children; it was a great loss.

Willie Lee and friends at 'Dream Home' in Lockney
Willie Lee and friends at 'Dream Home' in Lockney
Papa bought thirty acres of land located less than a mile south of Lockney, Texas.  We left the farm and moved to my dream house.  It was a two-story building with seven rooms plus an indoor bathroom with modern fixtures.

As I grew older, I enjoyed sewing, tatting, crocheting and embroidering and I sold my fancy handiwork for enough money to pay for my music and expression lessons for a full year.  We called our classes in oral literature "expression."

I played basketball in high school and I loved every minute of it.  The game was quite different from the one you see today.  We girls were considered delicate creatures and unable to play the full length of the court, so it was divided into three sections.  Two members of each team played in each section and were allowed to pass the ball over the line; they were not allowed to put a foot into the next section.  I could shoot baskets and was selected to be one of the two forwards on our team.

We thought we cut quite striking figures in our basketball suits with their knee-length black bloomers and big bow ties.  I felt happier the day Mama got those bloomers for me than I can ever remember feeling about getting a Sunday dress.

I usually got along well with other students but I did not like Julia Johnson.  (There may have been a little jealousy – she was the other forward on our basketball team.)  Julia was strong-willed.  Her grandmother accompanied our group on a two-day trip to the county fair.  Against her grandmother’s wishes, Julia decided that she was going to sleep outside on the ground.  I’d never heard an argument like the one that ensued between that grandmother and grandchild.  Julia threatened to take poison – kill herself!  Finally her grandmother said, “Go ahead.  Sleep on the ground.”  Julia made her bed on an anthill and wound up completely miserable.

Lockney in 1921
Lockney in 1921
In Lockney I began teaching piano lessons to a group of girls and boys and also taught a Sunday school class.  I enjoyed the music teaching but I could never forget the desire of my life:  I wanted to be a real schoolteacher!  And there seemed to be no possibility of that for me; my parents were not financially able to send their large family to college.  I idolized the teaching profession so much that I thought if it were not possible for me to become a schoolteacher, I would hope to marry one.  I did both.

When I think of the events that gave me an opportunity to attend college they still seem miraculous to me.  (I believe in miracles.)  The move to Lockney brought my miracle in the person of a young man.  My marriage was the miracle that allowed me to attend college and do all of the other things I most wanted to do.

Although Papa longed for the farm and returned after only two years at Lockney, I'd had enough time to meet my future husband.

A Young Robert Corder
I first met Robert Young Corder the day he joined the Lockney Baptist Church.  At that time I thought he was too young for me.  Actually, he was a year older.  He was working with his father in the family business known as Corder and Sons Sheet Metal Shop but was determined to further his education.

My husband-to-be was nineteen years of age and I was eighteen when our romance began on a Sunday evening after church services in Lockney.  Robert said that when he first met me he thought I was a teacher.  I was flattered because I was only a student.

We had both attended a meeting of the Baptist Young People's Union that evening.  When the program was over, Robert said that he had something important to tell me.  He asked me to meet him in the foyer after church.

I wanted to talk to him too, but there was a complication — another young man who had been courting me for
A Young Willie Lee Roberts
Willie Lee
several months was waiting at the door to take me home.  I liked this young man's new car and he was a worthy choice for some young lady, but I just didn't think he was right for me.  I was looking for a way out.  So, to solve the problem in the foyer, I asked Robert to walk with me to our car.

He didn't stop at the car; he rode all the way home with us.  For some reason, Mama and Papa had not attended church that evening.  My brother, Barney, who was about thirteen years old at the time, drove Robert and me, along with my younger brother and sister, to our house; it was a little less than a mile from the church.  Robert walked back to his house that night without ever mentioning what he wanted to tell me.  I don't know what it was to this day.

In addition to the other young man in the church foyer, there was another diversion.  A newspaper reporter for the Lockney Beacon newspaper started dating me about the same time Robert did.  Several times the three eligibles called on the same day for a date.  At first, the one who called first was the one accepted.  But, finally, I was only interested in seeing Robert.  Of the three young men I thought Robert to be the best man, one who would be a good father for the children I hoped to have and last, but not least, he was the only man with whom I fell in love.

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